Sunday, 12 March 2017

The Tree of Life the Book of Enoch Chapter 25

And from thence I went to another place of the earth⌉⌉, and he showed me a mountain range of fire which burnt ⌈⌈day and night⌉⌉. 2. And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains (seven world empires) all differing each from the other.....3. And the seventh mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in height, resembling the seat of a throne: and fragrant trees encircled the throne. 4. And amongst them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt, neither was any amongst them nor were others like it:

Enoch visited another part of the earth beyond a burning range of mountains, where he beheld in the midst of six mountains a seventh mountain more lofty than the others. This mountain is to be the throne of God where the Great King will sit when He visits the earth. Near the throne Enoch saw the tree of life,

This tree is reserved until the coming of the kingdom and serves as the means by which men regain their lost state of blessedness. Its fruit, brings longevity of happiness on earth. The coming of the kingdom will involve the transplanting of the tree of life to the holy place, to the temple of the Lord on earth (25:5). The kingdom is thus to center in Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. The marvelous effects of the tree of life are described in these words.

 4. And as for this fragrant tree no mortal is permitted to touch it till the great judgement, when He shall take vengeance on all and bring (everything) to its consummation for ever. It shall then be given to the righteous and holy. 5. Its fruit shall be for food to the elect: it shall be transplanted to the holy place, to the temple of the Lord, the Eternal King.

6 Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad,
And into the holy place shall they enter;
And its fragrance shall be in their bones,
And they shall live a long life on earth,
Such as thy fathers lived:
And in their days shall no ⌈⌈sorrow or⌉⌉ plague
Or torment or calamity touch them.'
7 Then blessed I the God of Glory, the Eternal King, who hath prepared such things for the righteous, and hath created them and promised to give to them.

the day of judgment which
will restore the divinely intended order to the world. Sinners
will be destroyed while the righteous enter into larger bless-
ings, which are described in terms both of human happiness

and spiritual well-being.

ENOCH 50:5 Their countenance shall be bright with joy; for in those days shall the Elect One
be exalted.

MATT. 13:43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

Monday, 6 March 2017

The Two Aeons Before Creation The 2nd Book of Enoch

Chapters 24-27 of 2 Enoch can be viewed as the climax of angelic and divine revelations to Enoch during his heavenly tour.

The book tells that Yahweh decided to reveal to Enoch the secrets of His creation, which he never explained even to his angels. Further the term "secrets" is applied only to this account of God's creation, conveyed to Enoch by Yahweh himself, "face to face."

The content of these revelations includes the following details:

1. Prior to the Creation Yahweh decided to establish the foundation of all created things;

2. He commanded one of the invisible "things" to come out of the very highest things and become visible;

3. By Yahweh's command a primordial "great aeon," bearing the title the spirit of the Light of creation (Adoil), descended and, disintegrating itself, revealed all creation which Yahweh "had thought up to create;"

4. Yahweh created a throne for himself. He then ordered the light to become the foundation for the highest things;

5. Yahweh called out the second aeon, bearing the title the spirit of the foundation of creation (Arukhas), which became the foundation of the lowest things;

the spirit of the Light of creation (Adoil) could come from a Hebrew translation of the phrases "The hand of God another understanding would be "the light of God" this means that Adoil is the hand of creation or light of creation

Arukhas may have originated from the Hebrew word "firmament" or it is the formation of creation or the foundation of creation the beginnings

both Adoil and Arukhas are personified they are not described as the agents but rather as the objects which are transformed and emanate creation

Adoil and Arukhas, are not primordial beings controlled by God they are aspects of the mind of God or mental powers, unfolding or expanding from its thought or idea to become a reality

From this point on we will call Adoil the spirit of the Light of creation

As for Arukhas we shall call it the spirit of the foundation of creation

by the term spirit we should understand this as a word of command from God: Psalm 33:6, compare Isaiah 34:16

It can also be used of the mind of God

for, "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

Who is able to advise the Spirit of Yahweh? Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him? Isaiah 40:13

Who comprehends the mind of Yahweh, or gives him instruction as his counselor? Isaiah 40:13

Before anything existed at all, from the very beginning, whatever exists I created from the non-existent, and from the invisible the visible....For before any visible things had come into existence, I the ONE, moved around in the invisible things, like the sun, from east to west and from west to east. But the sun has rest in it's self; yet I did not find rest, because everything was not yet created. And I thought up the idea of establishing a foundation, to create a visible creation.

"And I thought up the idea of establishing a foundation, to create a visible creation."

Here we have the forethought of God or foresight it is God's plan of creation and also his plan of salvation. the first movement of creation is self-reflective self-conscious thought, the expanding of the thought into an idea to be come a reality

God explains to Enoch how the visible and the invisible come forth from the very highest things.

And I commanded the highest things: “Let one of the invisible (concealed and hidden) things descend visibly!” (spiritual or ethereal)

And the spirit of the Light of creation descended, extremely large. And I looked at him, and behold, in his belly he had a great light. And I said to him, “Disintegrate yourself, O spirit of the Light of creation, and let what is born from you become visible.” (that is the establishment of the spiritual cosmos or the divine realms of light)

And he disintegrated himself, and there came out a very great light.

The word Disintegrate is not a good translation the word means to issue forth or to give birth therefore we should understand Disintegrate to mean an emanation. Another translation says

And I said to him: Become undone and let the visible come out of you.

the great light is the divine light which is without end it is the aeon of light of the upper foundation

The Great Light born from or with another Light!

this is the waters above of Heaven

the light is the water

And I was in the midst of the |great| light. And light out of light is carried thus. And the great age came out, and it revealed all the creation which I had thought up to create. And I saw how good it was. And I placed for myself a throne, and I sat down on it. And then to the light I spoke: “You go up higher than the throne, and become solid |much higher than the throne|, and become the foundation for the highest things.” And there is nothing higher than the light, except nothing itself. And again I bowed myself, and I looked upward from my throne.

the primordial aeon called the spirit of the Light of creation, it has been noted that it seems to be identified with the upper sacred foundation that serves as the basis for the heavenly Temple represented by the Throne of God.

The light out of light that is the light expanding and emanating from within the Deity

the great light emanating from within is the pure light or the divine light which is without end. In the divine fullness or pleroma it always comes first into consciousness.

The light is the aeon which is the foundation for the highest things upon which the deity establish his throne

The light is the illumining power it is a heavenly light, such as surrounds angels, or of God. God is light. Yahweh is light Isaiah 10:17Psalm 27:1Isaiah 60:19,20.

The seat of the Deity thus serves here as the location from which God supervises the unfolding creation. The Throne plays an important role in the process of creation, being envisioned as the center of the created universes.

God initiates an invisible personified process called the spirit of the Light of creation. the primordial vessel of light is the first creative act of the Deity that gives life to the visible order of everything.

This is the Highest Light-world or Realm of Light.

God summons from the very lowest things this time, so that the spirit of the foundation of creation, both heavy and black, should come out.

And I called out a second time into the very lowest things, and I said, “Let one of the invisible ((concealed and hidden) things come out visibly, solid. (physical) |And| the spirit of the foundation of creation came out, solid and heavy and very black. And I said, to the spirit of the foundation of creation,“Open yourself up, and let what is born from you become visible!” (physical) And he disintegrated himself. There came out an age, dark, very large, carrying the creation of all lower things. And I saw how good it was. And I said to him, “Come down low and become solid! (physical) And become the foundation of the lowest things!” |And it came about.| And he came down and became solid. (the expansion of the universe) And he became the foundation of the lowest things. And there is nothing lower than the darkness, except nothing itself.

the opening of the spirit of the foundation of creation lays the foundation of lower things that is the physical creation

Darkness hides the glory of the heavens or the upper foundation and Light shines on the inferior physical universe

And I gave the command: “Let there be taken some of the light and some of the darkness.” And I said, “Become thickened, and be wrapped around with light!” And I spread it out, and it became water. (the formation of galaxies) And I spread it out above the darkness, below the light. And thus I made the solid waters, that is to say, the Bottomless.

the solid waters are the surface of the physical creation

and I made foundation of light around the water, and created seven great circles inside it, and I gave them an appearance of crystal wet and dry, that is to say like glass and ice, and to be the circuit for waters and the other elements, and I showed each one of them its road, and the seven stars each one of them in its own heaven, so that they might travel accordingly.

the seven spheres contain the mobile celestial bodies

And I saw how good it was. And I made a division between the light and between the darkness, that is to say, in the middle of the waters, this way and that way. And I said to the light that it should be day, and to the darkness I commanded that it should be night. And Evening came, and again morning came, that is the first day.

— 2 Enoch 25-27


Adoil -> the great light -> Upper Foundation

waters the Bottomless

Ar(u)khas -> darkness -> Lower Foundation


Saturday, 4 March 2017

Enoch's Ascension into Heaven The Book of Enoch chapter 70

Enoch's Ascension into Heaven The Book of Enoch chapter 70

The Book of Enoch chapter 70

1. And it came to pass after this that his name during his lifetime was raised aloft to that Son of Man and to the Lord of Spirits from amongst those who dwell on the earth.
2. And he was raised aloft on the chariots of the spirit and his name vanished among them.
3. And from that day I was no longer numbered amongst them: and he set me between the two winds, between the North and the West, where the angels who measured for me the place for the elect and righteous.
4. And there I saw the first fathers and the righteous who from the beginning dwell in that place.

The Book of Enoch chapter 71 1. Afterwards my spirit was concealed, ascending into the heavens. I beheld the sons of the holy angels treading on flaming fire, whose garments and robes were white, and whose countenances were transparent as crystal.

The meaning of Enoch

Enoch, means--founder; teacher; instructor;. One Trained Up; Inaugurated that is, dedicated, initiated

Enoch was the man who walked with God and was translated, so has not to see death but that does not mean that he did not die (Heb. 11:5).

Enoch is symbolic of that which each of us can become, and for which all humanity was destined from the very beginning

The name Enoch means "founder," or "instructor," Enoch walked with God. He was translated into the spiritual consciousness. Enoch represents the gateway into and instruction in the new life in Christ.

In the book of Enoch we should understand Enoch's ascension into heaven has a state of of peace and harmony which is symbolised by heaven;

Enoch is the gateway into and instruction in a new state of thought, or understanding. In the case of Enoch who walked with God, the new state of thought would be spiritual consciousness, the new life in Christ.

Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham are represent states or conditions that are higher in the scale than the purely carnal or fleshly. By faith they all made connection with the abiding realities of the Gospel.

Enoch symbolises the highest or climactic point of the ascent for which man is destined to strive, and in this refined image perfect man is superior to the angels.

ascension--The ascending or progressive unfoldment of a believer from the carnal to the spiritual. It is measured by three degrees or states of consciousness: first, the carnal; second, the mental; and third, the spiritual. Enoch first manifested Himself as the man on the physical plane, from which He was translated to the mental; from thence He ascended to the spiritual. The ascension is the final step in the attainment of the Christ consciousness.

Why was “Enoch” taken up by a whirlwind into heaven?   The ascent of Enoch was a precursor of the experience that Jesus went through, when at the ascension he was “taken up in a cloud.”

Enoch was taken by a whirlwind into heaven: that is the positive or dominant element of the mind of Enoch must be taken by Yahweh into a state of peace and harmony which is symbolised by heaven;

What is the meaning of the taking of Enoch into heaven in the chariot of spirit? It represents a change that takes place in consciousness,

The carnal mind of Enoch is lifted up in Spirit,

the place for the elect and righteous is the spiritual consciousness which is symbolised by heaven;